
Showing posts from September, 2018

First Project

This is a long-term project that we hope to implement in stages.  We have located a non-profit provide located in another county who has developed empathy training which incorporates hands on features.  This non-profit is willing to work with our foundation and other Iowa non-profits to train our trainer(s), come on-site for initial presentations to agencies, schools, etc. any interested group, and share their technology.  We then hope to have dollars to do our own productions, more specific to individual diagnosis, that can be shared, not only for empathy training but also for provider agencies providing services to individuals with mental illness,   The application of this program is very broad.  We hope to make our foundation non-profit (doing an L.L.C. is quicker and easier) so we can apply for grants, etc. directly to help fund our project.  Currently we will work through non-profits to first obtain funding to 'train the trainer'.  If you wan...


This is the first time I have ever blogged, it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to start so please bare with me.  There were many firsts this year, every holiday, every family member's birthday, every family gathering without our beloved Zac.  It was my first time planning a funeral, designing a headstone, participating in therapy, read an autopsy, the first time being prescribed sleeping pills for insomnia and many more such firsts that no one would wish on their worst enemy. Zac was an excellent baby (sorry Ry and Bret) and a very kind kid who wore his heart on his sleeve.  He and Ry would pick on Bret and then he and Bret would pick on Kayli.  He had study habits (I do not know where they came from) and graduated with a BA from the University of Iowa.  In high school he played sports with honors, got good grades and was everyone's friend.  He could be considered the all American kid.  Unfortunately after a six year battle with bipolar disorder...