THANK YOU CICS REGION/JASPER COUNTY!!!! We are proud and humbled that our first project in the name of Zac, our beloved son/brother, has received a grant from Central Iowa Community Services Region/Jasper County. The grant funding is the first step in the implementation of a multi sensory simulation of a psychotic event which puts an individual in the shoes of someone who has mental health symptoms. This will provide some education and understanding to the thought process of someone experiencing mental health symptoms. In addition, there is empathy training and we are taught how to reach out to those who need help. We will save lives when mental illness is seen for what it is: a medical issue. Through this and continued efforts Zac's Foundation goal is for those with mental illness not to feel shame or a stigma, but to accept, access and participate in treatment. CICS Region/Jasper County is just the beginning. We need everyone's support to make...
Showing posts from February, 2019